Konferansen går over lørdag og søndag og det kommer mange interessante foredragsholdere fra både inn og utland. Konferansen holdes på juridisk fakultet, Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, seminarrom 2. Konferansen er åpen for alle studenter, men gi gjerne Einar Thomassen beskjed på einar.thomassen@krr.uib.no slik at han kan estimere hvor mange som kommer.
Saturday, 4 August
Michael Stausberg: The (Anti-) Social Structures of Hell
Nick Wyatt: The biblical precursor of Hell: Gehenna. The genesis and growth of the concept
Nannó Marinatos: The function of the Netherworld in the Odyssey and the problem of memory
Burkert, Walter: Tantalos and Sisyphos: Punishments without a cause?
1300 Lunch
Jens Braarvig: Buddhist Hell
Knut A. Jacobsen: The Insignificance of Hell in the Hindu Traditions
Dimitris Kyrtatas: Christian Hell from its origins to the Apocalypse of Peter
Jan Bremmer: Hell between the Apocalypses of Peter and Paul
Sunday 5 August
Michael Paschalis: A Roman emperor in the underworld: Re-examining Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis
Jostein Børtnes: Journeys to Heaven and tours to Hell
Danuta R. Shanzer: Hell and the unborn
Einar Thomassen: Islamic Hell
1300 Lunch
Florentina Badalanova Geller: Views of Hell in Slavonic iconography and oral tradition
Tarald Rasmussen: Back to dualism. The function of Hell in Luther’s theology
Nils Gilje: Justice and Hell: The Enlightenment and the civilising process in Hell
Concluding discussion