På tirsdag 26. August viser Fagutvalget for Religionsvitenskap dokumentaren The Lost Tomb of Jesus.
Since the 1970s, hundreds of tombs and thousands of ossuaries (limestone bone boxes) have been discovered in the Jerusalem area. These ossuaries served as coffins in first-century Jerusalem.
One of these tombs was found to contain ten ossuaries. Six of the ossuaries in this tomb have inscriptions on them. As it turns out, every inscription in this particular tomb relates to the Gospels.
Part archaeological adventure, part Biblical history, part forensic science, part theological controversy: this is a story that will be carried around the world.
Dere kan lese om bakgrunn og kritikk på wikipedia, eller på promoteringssidene til Discovery Channel. Enten du er en skeptiker, eller klar for å la deg overbevise, vil filmen demonstere hvordan man kan bruke forskjellige metoder for å styrke en arkeologisk teori.
Tid: 26. Aug, 1800 – 2000
Sted: Syndeshaugenskole, Aud. R
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