Professor: Jan-Olav Henriksen
Det Teologiske Menighetsfakultetet (Oslo)
Henriksen’s main interest is in the present conditions for faith and religion in a postmodern culture marked by pluralism and diversified approaches to religion. He has worked on hermeneutics, postmodern moral philosophy, critique of religion (esp. Nietzsche) and on theological anthropology. He is presently working on how insights from Christology can be articulated by postmodern philosophy. His interests also include psychology and sociology of religion. He is the Editor in Chief of Studia Theolgoica Nordic Journal of Theology.
Sokneprest T. Dahls legat-forelesning 2009
Tema: Forholdet mellom teologi og religionsvitenskap – sett fra teologiens synsvinkel
Tid: Torsdag 23.10. Kl. 1215-1400
Sted: Aud. A, Sydneshaugen skole