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Mer eller mindre friske linker til religionsvitenskapelige tidsskrifter:
Ars disputandi
American Academy of Religion
Arabic and islamic studies
Biblical interpretation
Buddhist Christian studies
Christian Century
Christian Education Journal
Christian Theological Research
Contemporary religion
Conversations in religion and theology
Culture and religion
Die Welt des Islams
Ecclesiastical history
First things
Global Buddhism
History of religions
Heythrop journal
Hugoye(Journal of Syriac studies)
Implicit religion
Islam and Christian-Muslim relations
Islamic law and society
Jewish social studies
Jewish studies
Journal for cultural and religious theory
Journal for the scientific study of religion
Journal for the study of religion and ideologies
Journal of Arabic and Islamic studies
The journal of law and religion
The journal of religion and film
Journal of Islamic studies
Journal of religion and health
Journal of Religion and Popular Culture
Journal of Religion in Africa
Journal of Religion
Journal of Religious Culture
Journal of religious ethics
Journal of Religious Thought
Journal of the American Academy of Religion
Journal of Women and Religion
Lectio difficilior
Literature and religion
Marburg journal of religion
Modern theology
Muslim world
Neue Zeitschrift für systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophin
Nova Religio
Philosophy and religion
Religion (London)
Religion and American Culture
Religion and the Arts
Religious Education
Religious history
Religious studies (Cambridge university press)
Social compass  (Religionssosiologi)
Sociology of Religion
Study of religion
Systematic theology
Systematische theologi und religionsphilosophie
Teaching theology and religion
The north star- African-american religious history
Theological studies
Vedic studies
Western mystery tradition
Zeitschrift für Anikes Christentum

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